November 23rd – Jesus
Dear Father, thank You for Jesus. Thank You for Your heart of radical, unlimited, unconditional love. Thank You for Your desire to save. Thank You for providing the Lamb for sacrifice.
November 22nd – Sisters
Three girls – more dear to me than I can say. My childhood playmates, companions in adventures, and best friends.
November 21st – Enough
There will always be enough. “…His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness”. (2 Peter 1:3) Life and godliness – doesn’t this cover it all?
November 19th – Sleep
I’m thankful for sleep. Our bodies are meant to need rest. We are designed to be dependent. We can’t do it all. Though I’ve tried, many times. My weakness reminds me – I’m not sufficient.
November 17th – Providence
His working is wonderful. Sometimes in answered prayer - maybe not how I was expecting, but even better. Sometimes in kindness of friends and strangers.
November 16 – My Car
I love my little red Ford. Hawk by name, he and I have flown across many miles together. When I first got him, I was a little sad that he didn’t have a sunroof. And sometimes I wish that he…
November 15th – Redemption
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins”. The longer I live, the more I see of my own sinful heart. The more I know Him, the more I see His holiness and goodness.
November 14th – Unchanging
What You say, You will do. Your word is true. “Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see,” Yet I know that You are more beautiful than I can imagine.
November 13th – Blue Sky
I love that the sky is blue. It could’ve been any color – green, yellow, pink, white, black – but it’s blue, and to my eye, there is hardly a more beautiful hue.
November 12th – My Church
I love that the core of this church is the gospel. It’s Jesus – and what He has done to reconcile us to our Maker.