November 22nd – Sisters
Three girls – more dear to me than I can say.
My childhood playmates, companions in adventures, and best friends.
From the golden days of raking leaves and living in worlds of our imaginations, to walking through sorrow, experiencing life’s valleys and mountains and the deep goodness of our God — together.
Sharpening each other.
Forgiving one another.
Loving each other, and being loved – through it all.
Laughing ’til we cried.
Crying and comforting.
Running together the race set before us, looking to Jesus.
And though we’re not always near by location, distance can’t touch true friendship.
I love them so.
Each has had an immense influence on my life.
Each is a genuine, committed follower of Jesus.
And beautiful, too.
I am so very grateful for my sisters.
Dear Lord, thank You for them, and for letting me be one of them.