• November 1- Hesed

    Hesed – the Hebrew word translated as mercy, lovingkindness, steadfast love, and in many other ways, because it’s so hard to capture.

  • Atlantic

    Untamed, unpredictable, dangerous and breathtaking. This is the Atlantic.

  • Springtime Yearning

    As the cold earth of early spring seeks the sun, desperate to be warmed. As the tips of every twig an branch swell to bursting, needing the air, straining to be released into bloom.

  • Because He Came

    If He had not come.... Darkness would reign. Our chains would drag us to the dust we toiled in...

  • Here In The Footsteps

    Here in the footsteps of the journey Here in the moments of the day Here in the waiting and the yearning How can the wand'rer find the way?

  • Your Mercy Endures Forever

    Your mercy endures forever. Your steadfast love endures forever. It doesn't have to. Every day I merit its removal from me. I would sure get tired of loving and forgiving me. Little wonder that Your love is a prevailing theme…

  • Leaf

    Lattice-work, letting in the sun in dappled glory