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November 1- Hesed

Thank You, Lord, for mercy.

For not giving me what I deserve.

For holding back Your wrath against my sin.

For becoming the break-wall, for taking it all against Yourself.

For pouring out on my soul oceans and skies of compassion, forgiveness, kindness, love.

Thank You, dear Lord, for hesed.

Hesed – the Hebrew word translated as mercy, lovingkindness, steadfast love, and in many other ways, because it’s so hard to capture.

Hesed is all over Scripture, and all over my life. I saw it clearly seven years ago today.

There were strongholds of darkness in my life, and they scared me. I knew He wanted me to open up, to bring things to light, but I was so afraid. What would others think? But He wouldn’t let me go, and through hard, painful conversations, He broke down the gates and brought in the light. It was one of the hardest days of my life, but even then, He overwhelmed me with His mercy. Because He kept me from who I would have become, who I would be without Him. He loved His lamb too much to let her go her own way.

He mercied me. And He has been faithful, every day of these seven years, through the hardest moments and the sweetest joys. He is a Rock, unmoving. And He is a Savior of sinners – even of me.

Sin always leads to death – but the death of Jesus brings life. And when we experience the reality of our death to sin, through His death, we also know the power of His resurrection. Yes, it’s painful; but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22,23)

Thank You, Jesus.

Thank You for saving me.

Thank You for mercy; remind me, every day.

You are so good.