Musings,  Writings

Because He Came

If He had not come…

Darkness would reign.

Our chains would drag us to the dust we toiled in.

Our sin would be growing, multiplying in magnitude and horror.

The Curse would cover all our lives, breaking hope, dulling dreams, binding souls in death.

The ever-widening gulf between holy Creator and wicked creature would remain forever unbridgeable.

But He came.

Holiest of all adjoined inseparably to humankind becomes the bridge that we could never build.

He lifts the Curse from us and takes it onto Him, lets it crush Him, steals our consequences.

He slays the rule of sin, gives us power to conquer, implants His life to grow in us.

His Spirit breathes life, calls us toward heaven.

Light prevails unstoppable.

Because Jesus came.

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