• He Came to Die

    He came in grace and lowliness He came from heaven high He came in love and holiness        And yet, He came to die.

  • November 20th – Seasons

    I’m thankful for seasons. For days of golden glory, and months of cold and gray. For brilliant, fading autumns, and fresh-born life of spring. For growing in the rain, and working in the sun.

  • November 14th – Unchanging

    What You say, You will do. Your word is true. “Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see,” Yet I know that You are more beautiful than I can imagine.

  • November 7th – Here

    While I was away, I was homesick for here. And now that I’m home, I’m missing my home afar. And in this season of change and sameness, my heart wants to complain a bit. So I’ll remind my soul:

  • November 1- Hesed

    Hesed – the Hebrew word translated as mercy, lovingkindness, steadfast love, and in many other ways, because it’s so hard to capture.

  • Springtime Yearning

    As the cold earth of early spring seeks the sun, desperate to be warmed. As the tips of every twig an branch swell to bursting, needing the air, straining to be released into bloom.

  • Because He Came

    If He had not come.... Darkness would reign. Our chains would drag us to the dust we toiled in...

  • Here In The Footsteps

    Here in the footsteps of the journey Here in the moments of the day Here in the waiting and the yearning How can the wand'rer find the way?