November 20th – Seasons
I’m thankful for seasons. For days of golden glory, and months of cold and gray. For brilliant, fading autumns, and fresh-born life of spring. For growing in the rain, and working in the sun.
November 13th – Blue Sky
I love that the sky is blue. It could’ve been any color – green, yellow, pink, white, black – but it’s blue, and to my eye, there is hardly a more beautiful hue.
November 10th – Food
Coffee, chocolate, sun-warmed strawberries; freshly baked bread, cheddar cheese, grilled chicken. Yes, He is good.
November 8th – Chipper
So many times, his blue eyes, his soft, velvety nose, his tall ears and little paws told my heart what I struggled to feel – the love and goodness of my Creator.
November 5th – The Cross
For You, the One delighted in Becoming One despised For You, the praise of Israel Receiving mocking scorn
Springtime Yearning
As the cold earth of early spring seeks the sun, desperate to be warmed. As the tips of every twig an branch swell to bursting, needing the air, straining to be released into bloom.
Lattice-work, letting in the sun in dappled glory
Welcome to Sparrow's Rest! I hope you will find this a place of refuge in a world of chaos. A sheltered branch in a storm. A window to a wider world where hope is real and truth is beautiful.
A firefly could make me cry, as in the evening dim he flies...