• November 7th – Here

    While I was away, I was homesick for here. And now that I’m home, I’m missing my home afar. And in this season of change and sameness, my heart wants to complain a bit. So I’ll remind my soul:

  • Atlantic

    Untamed, unpredictable, dangerous and breathtaking. This is the Atlantic.

  • Springtime Yearning

    As the cold earth of early spring seeks the sun, desperate to be warmed. As the tips of every twig an branch swell to bursting, needing the air, straining to be released into bloom.

  • Leaf

    Lattice-work, letting in the sun in dappled glory

  • Welcome!

    Welcome to Sparrow's Rest! I hope you will find this a place of refuge in a world of chaos. A sheltered branch in a storm. A window to a wider world where hope is real and truth is beautiful.